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October Update!

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2021 4:03 am
by Heep
- Official October Update -

I'd like to give a shoutout to Epictaru for his assistance in testing and helping with getting this update ready, all of your hard work is greatly appreciated.

From last update:

Reworked Legion
Reworked Voidwatch
Fixed multiboxing fight issue
Nashmau PUP Automaton NPCs match retail
Updated zone_settings.sql for AH access everywhere

#39 - Fixed SMN pet to despawn on death of the player
#59 - Fixed Twilight Torque to drop from Shinryu
#68 - Fixed Corrosive Ooze
#97 - Fixed Adloquium, Animus Augeo, and Animus Minuo
#114 - Fixed PLD and PUP JSE drops
#133 - Fixed Diabolos abilities
#134 - Fixed Assimilation for BLU
#142 - Fixed PUP NPC (Tateeya) to accept attachments
#156 - Fixed Disorienting Waul animation ID
#167 - Fixed Jailer of Justice adds to do 2 hours
#177 - Fixed Forgotten Touch wrongfully dropping from Om'yovra
#213 - Fixed Malfeasance by adding mods
#241 - Fixed Dart ranged attacks doing wrong animations
#256 - Fixed Chasseur Bottes +1 by adding mods
#286 - Fixed Blurred Harp model id
#348 - Fixed Zirnitra so now it's targettable
#350 - Fixed Karura Hachigane drop
#352/#494 - Fixed Full Speed Ahead quest (also, Permanently placed NPC)
#357 - Fixed the ability text for Viscid Emission
#372 - Fixed the ability text for Saline Coat
#375 - Fixed the duration of Charm to match retail
#385 - Fixed the modelid of all Dancer gear
#393 - Fixed Star Ring desynth by adding the recipe
#394 - Fixed post 75 DNC abilities by adding them
#427 - Fixed Magicked Astrolabe quest NPC
#428 - Fixed Happo Shuriken so it is equippable
#429 - Fixed Regain on Maat custom items by replacing with actual Regain
#436 - Fixed Empyrean Aftermath Double Damage rates
#437 - Fixed Abyssea VNM Abyssites for upgrading
#450 - Fixed Eminent Sickle to be equippable
#457 - Fixed SCH issue with unlimited charges due to Perpetuance
#458 - Fixed Rosette Jaseran +1 by adding mods
#471 - Fixed Crest of Davoi NPC (Baudin)
#472/#502/#504/#506/#510/#511/#556 - Fixed Multiboxing BCNM issues
#477 - Fixed Dynamis entry CS in Xarcabard for Rank 6
#495 - Fixed Canal Moocher placement
#500 - Fixed WoTG Maw CS in Rolanberry Fields
#523/#534 - Completely revamped the Voidwatch system
#535 - Fixed Blanga placement
#537 - Fixed Teugghia so now it'll spawn
#543 - Fixed Glory Slash issue
#544 - Fixed Shinryu fight issue
#548 - Fixed Gully Clionid spawning issues
#549 - Fixed Blurred Staff
#550 - Fixed Field of Valor textids in Tahrongi and ZiTah
#553 - Fixed Repeatable quest so it doesn't give double gil
#554 - Fixed Flesh Eater worm so it won't check as NM


The following things are in tonight's small update:

#121 - Fixed Cogtooth Skagnogg drop tables
#331 - Fixed Exalted Staff
#382 - Fixed Unbridled Learning
#410 - Fixed drops of all elementals
#566 - Fixed Prishe so she's nice again
#567 - Fixed Missing Mods on Haruspex Coat
#568 - Fixed Boost Spells to function properly and also was submitted to LSB
#569 - Fixed Missing Mods on Spaekonas Petasos
#570 - Fixed Atma stacking mods so they work properly
#571 - Fixed FoV in Tahrongi and ZiTah to count the kills as intended